When to use Bark Collar, and When not to.

Published by William on

There is a large controversy around bark collars and actually all static correction collars as they are sometimes called. Some questions, of course, arrive from this argument. Are bark collars safe? Are they humane? When should I use one? When should I not use one? Should I use it in training? I’ll endeavor to answer some of these questions in this article.

Before you put a bark collar on your dog you need to know why he is barking. See our article on the 5 most command reasons your lab is barking.

What is a bark collar?

A bark collar delivers a harmless static shock or vibration whenever your dog barks some give a small spray of citronella or a sonic siren, these are gimmicks that claim to be more humane, don’t waste your time or money. These shock collars vary in features, some have training remotes, levels of intensity, and waterproof rating. See our collars recommended for labs.

Are they safe, are they humane?

There are times to use them and times not to as you’ll see in the next two sections. In general, we do recommend shock collars. They deliver a non-harmful static shock, just like after you’ve been jumping on the trampoline and touch one of the trampoline poles. They have varying degrees of shock capability and settings, and modern ones have safety features that keep it from shocking your lab more than a few times per minute.

Shock Collars are safe and will not do any lasting harm to your pet. Bark collars are no and never intended for the punishment of your dog, but as a deterrent from certain behavior. Labs are very smart dogs and will catch on very quick.
You also need to properly train a dog with a bark collar have a look at this article on training days gs for bark collars.
The key to successful results with bark collars or electric fences is training. Without proper training, these devices will do more harm than good.

When should I use a bark collar?

One of the most common reasons that people get rid of their labs is barking. Whether your neighbor keeps leaving angry notes on your dog about how her baby can’t sleep, or maybe you work from home and can’t get anything done a bark collar may be the only way to go.

If your dog is barking for boredom or attention a static correctional collar is a way to go. Remember yelling at the dog to stop is actually considered by the dog to be an encouragement to keep barking. Basically he is barking for attention and you are giving it to him, whether you are angry or not, doesn’t matter to him.

Have you done your diligence and understand why your dog is barking? See our article on why he’s barking. First, try, increasing your dog’s exercise schedule, removing distractions, giving your dog more attention and making sure your dog isn’t in pain. If nothing seems to be working. Then it’s time to give a static correction collar a try. Be careful, it’s important to get the correct one, so have a look at the 5 best bark collars.

When should I not use a bark collar?

Never use a bark collar as an excuse to neglect your dog. Remember, Your lab still needs regular food, water, and exercise. In any case, if you can’t remember this you don’t have any business as a lab owner!

If your lab is ill or in pain and is barking for help, the collar will still shock him. You need to make sure your dog is safe and in good health before putting a bark collar on your lab. It is never advisable to put a bark collar on a dog with a medical condition, your lab will most likely be barking for help.

Some collars come with remotes where you can shock the dog from your remote. However, we do not ever recommend that you use these collars as punishment devices. Bark collars were never intended for such. Remember, they are a deterrent, not a punishment.

Be careful when you have more than one dog, some collars can’t tell which dog is barking and have been known to shock the wrong dogs. Your dog doesn’t understand this and will confuse him. This is why you get higher quality collars that detect vocal cord vibration as well as sound before they deliver a shock. We’ve lined out the best 5 for labs or similarly size dogs here.

Final thoughts

While there are right and wrong times to use shocking bark collars, these products are safe and humane. They do not do any lasting harm to your pet, and with the proper training are a good deterrent for undesired behavior.

I’ve tried to answer some of the more pertinent questions regarding bark collars specifically. If you have anything to add or you have any more comments or questions feel free to comment below. Please be civil, whatever your opinion.

Categories: Tutorials


William is the co-founder and owner of sterlingsilverlabs.com. He grew up playing with labs since his first black lab named Current (weird name right). Ever since then he has loved the loyalty and friendliness of the breed. In 2016 He a friend Dylan became interested in the silver lab dilutes. William and Dylan each purchased a silver lab and the rest is history.


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